Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that we have about the Weimaraner Breed (Our answers are based on our experience and A LOT of research)


      1.)    Does Weimaraners make good house/apartment dogs?

Weimaraners make wonderful house pets, although they can be known to be on the HYPER side. Weims are very smart loving dogs known for their loyalty to their family.  They love to be around people, always on your heels.  Weims need exercise daily such as long jogs or playing in the  yard.   They will do ok in apartments only if he/she is being excised and receiving A LOT of attention.  Leaving a weim alone all day nor exercising them properly is NOT A GOOD THING for pet or owner. They will act out most all of the time.  So always remember to give your puppy/dog plenty of attention and exercise


      2.)   Do Weimaraners do well with small children?

They make wonderful family pets.  However with any breed the puppy/dog must be taught to interact properly with children so neither the child or pet is hurt.  They are very good with children and enjoy the attention kids give them. 


      3.)   How big does the Weimaraners get?

Male Weimaraners 25 to 27 inches tall and Weighs 70 to 85lbs

Female Weimaraners 23 to 25 inches tall and Weighs 55 to 65lbs

Always keep your Weim lean, properly nourished and cared for. Don’t worry how big or small they are.  Remember every Weim is different!!!


       4.)   Should I get a Male or Female?

Both males and females are very affectionate and devoted to their families.  However in most cases the females tend to be more independent  and bossier than males.  The main difference between males and females is size.


     5.)   Do Weimaraners eyes stay the baby blue color?

Most cases, the pretty blue eyes that Weimaraner puppies have normally will turn to a light amber color as they grown into adults.


      6.)   Do Weimaraners do well with other pets/animals?

Weimaraners tend to do very well with other pets if introduced properly and at a young age. Also remember you must supervise interactions to ensure the pets will get along with each other before leaving the alone together.  Remember Weimaraners were bred to hunt small and large animals so they could have a tendency to chase (cats, chickens, bird etc).


      7.)   Are Weimaraners easy to potty/crate train?

Weimaraners are very smart puppies/dogs they are easy to potty/crate train.  Check out our Potty/ Crate Training tab for tips.  Always remember to stay on a consistent schedule and follow our guidelines and your puppy will be trained in no time.



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